WRAP is...
The basic premise of WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is learning to live with an “I CAN RECOVER AND STAY WELL” attitude, instead of an “I can’t” mindset. It’s a self-management and recovery system developed by a group of people who had mental health difficulties and were struggling to incorporate wellness tools and strategies into their lives.
WRAP® helps us determine what we need to do to stay well on a daily basis by providing a step-by-step look at what we need to do to catch ourselves before we fall into the old unhelpful patterns. Once we are able to identify those patterns, we take action as quickly as possible to avoid the things that did not work well for us in the past.
WRAP® is an opportunity to see ourselves as our WELLNESS rather than our illness. It provides us with the tools to make our wellness a reality. We can become empowered by our experiences. Our difficulties are no longer crises but OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH.
WRAP® is not directed towards a specific population, though it was developed for people who have difficulties with mental and emotional stressors or psychiatric diagnosis. It is also highly effective as a tool for smoking cessation, weight loss, co-occurring disorders, somatic problems, or any life issues that cause discomfort. We use WRAP® for returning to work, for beginning or leaving relationships, and for re-integrating into our communities. We learn the value of our support team and how to use it most effectively. We create a powerful set of tools to determine our own full and unique potential.
How a WRAP is made...
Many of the OOOMD affiliates offer WRAP® classes and ongoing peer support groups. It is facilitated by our PEERS, people who have been through many experiences similar to our own and live in our communities. They have lived and worked WRAP® in their own lives and have seen the benefits.
WRAP® is a tool that you can use in any area of your life. IT IS NOT MEANT TO BE A REPLACEMENT FOR THERAPY, MEDICATION, OR ANY OTHER TOOLS YOU USE IN YOUR RECOVERY, nor is it mandatory to have a WRAP® plan in order to be part of the OOOMD network. We invite you to explore WRAP® and decide for yourself if you’d like to utilize this valuable tool.